Latest News & Announcements

Prof. Stephen Kiama Gitahi installed as the 8th Vice Chancellor of the University of Nairobi

Prof. Stephen Kiama Gitahi was officially installed as the 8th Vice Chancellor of the University of Nairobi (UoN) on June 5, 2020 at a ceremony presided over by Dr. Vijoo Rattansi, Chancellor UoN. Prof. Kiama has a deep critical thinking and clear vision about individuals and institutions. With this rare gift, he has had a clear vision about what he always wanted to be, what he desired of others and where he wanted the university of Nairobi to be.

Wangari Maathai Institute (WMI) hosts a Webinar on Earth Day 2020: Citizen Action Towards Securing our Future

The Institute in collaboration with the Green Belt Movement hosted a webinar on April 16, 2020 from 3pm. This was in light of the Earth Day 2020 which will be commemorated on April 22, 2020. Prof. David Mungai, Director, WMI led a team of speakers which included Marion Kamau, Chairperson, Green Belt Movement, Mr. Matthew Lefler, Manager, Earth Day Africa at Earth Day Network, Washington DC and Ms.

Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies joins Green Belt Movement in the celebration of the Wangari Maathai Day/African Environment Day – March 3, 2020 at the Freedom Corner, Uhuru Park

At the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in February 2012, it was decided that organizations should recognize Prof. Wangari Maathai’s immense contribution to environmental awareness in Africa. As a result, Wangari Maathai Day was endorsed to be celebrated on the same day as the African Environment Day, on every 3rd of March.

High School Students Workshop

The High Scool students workshop will be held on Friday, March 20, 2020 from 9 am to 4 pm at the Wangari Maathai Institute Campus under the theme "The Role of Students in Peace and Environment Management in Kenya". Speakers will be drawn from the University and practitioners. The event is planned for a maximum of 500 students, admission is therefore on first come first served basis. Students are encouraged to bring along packed lunch.

Registration fee: Kshs. 2500 per school. Please confirm attendance by March 17, 2020.

Book Donations to WMI Library

The Institute has received with gratitude book donations from Dr. Kariuki Muigwa which he has authored. Dr. Muigwa teaches one of the Msc. program course units (Environmental Law and Peace Policies). The books include; 1. Resolving Conflicts through Mediation in Kenya (2017), 2. Alternative Dispute Resolution and Access to Justice in Kenya (2015), 3. Settling Disputes through Arbitration in Kenya (2017), 4. Natural Resources and Environmental Justice in Kenya (co-authored with D. Wamukoya and F. Kariuki, 2015).

Call for Applications - Environmental Impact Assessment & Environmental Audit Course - March 2020 Intake

Applications are invited for admission to Integrated Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Audit (EIA&EA) course at the Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental Studies (WMI). Course duration is three (3) weeks, from March 9, 2020 to March 27, 2020.

Eligibility: Holders of at least a first degree or equivalent (related to Natural Resource Management) from a recognized Institution.

Mode of Study: Full Time

Wangari Maathai Institute (WMI) and Environment Institute of Kenya (EIK) held a Meeting on Training of Environment Professionals

The joint meeting between WMI and EIK was held at the Wangari Maathai Institute campus on January 23, 2020. The aim of the meeting was to plan for the upcoming training of environment professionals to be held in March, 2020. This follows the signing of the MoU between the two institutions on July 24, 2019 which formalized the partnership and joint efforts in providing practical solutions to environmental issues.