Role of NACOSTI in Formulation and Implementation of Science Technology and Innovation Policies: Margaret Maimba

NACOSTI Chief Science Analyst Margaret Maimba shared insights on the role of NACOSTI in formulation and implementation of public policies with staff, students, policy experts and practitioners at the Wangari Maathai Institute on Wednesday November 13, 2019.

Seminar by Gitau James Kinyua on Evaluation of Efficiency and Adoption of Biochar Producing Cooking System in Smallholder Farms

Mr. Gitau James Kinyua delivered a seminar on evaluation of efficiency and adoption of biochar producing cooking system in smallholder farms in Kwale County, Kenya at the Wangari Mathai Institute (WMI) on October 1, 2019. Mr. Gitau is a PhD student at the WMI. The seminar presented the opportunity to share the findings of his PhD thesis and also get feedback on his work from those present. His study aimed at reducing indoor air pollution and associated health problems and reduction in firewood consumption.