The Wangari Maathai Institute (WMI) conducted experiential learning field activities at John Michuki Memorial Park and the Wangari Maathai Institute Campus on 18th and 19th March 2021, respectively. The second day's activities also involved visits to the Githingiti informal settlement (located in Ndumbuini), CAVS Dam and at the bridge between the Kenya Animal Genetic Resources Centre and WMI to observe and carry out key informant interviews regarding the extent and impact of riparian and conservation areas encroachment. The experiential activities were conducted under the following themes (1) sustainability of open spaces in Nairobi, (2) participatory environmental conservation, and (3) green infrastructure. Students interrogated issues and experiences around the three themes. Masters and PhD students, WMI staff, College staff, Nyumba Kumi leaders, and park managers were involved.