Studies have shown that dams have unexpected adverse impacts on the livelihoods of local communities. The overall objective of this study was to analyze water governance, using both qualitative and quantitative methods, the impacts on the livelihoods that Chebara dam has had on the local community. Primary data was collected through household surveys from 100 respondents including key informant interviews and participants observations. The 100 respondents were randomly selected to represent the target population, of 271 households, living at about 5 kilometers radius from the dam within Chebara region. Chebara region is located in Elgeyo-Marakwet county, about 390 km northwest of Nairobi. Secondary data was collected from published articles, books and government reports. Qualitative data was analyzed by comparison with case studies of stakeholder relationships and thematic analysis whereas quantitative data was analyzed through household survey data revealed that the community derived social and economic benefits from the ELDOWAS limited. The results indicate that about 68% of those interviewed reported that they have benefited from ELDOWAS through social amenities such as schools, hospitals, dispensaries, roads. Ecologically, 81% of the community had no idea there was any conservation and re-forestation done by ELDOWAS, and those who were aware were dissatisfied. However, about 3% of the respondents had been employed or had a member of their family employed directly by ELDOWAS. About 6% of the households’ interview received water from ELDOWAS, however the water supply was irregular. of the respondents 4% said the water received was regular at an average of 2-week intervals. There was a significant correlation (R= 0.684) between water source and gains from the dam from the community members who received piped water, there was also better access (R=0.815). In conclusion, the Chebara dam has been beneficial to the local communities through trainings, access to water and capacity building geared towards water conservation. This study recommends that while the dam has been beneficial to the community, there needs to be a continuous community - based plan for sharing benefits from the dam.