Our little action does matter in creating a positive, “my little thing is planting trees” Noble Prof. Laureate Wangari Maathai. As we celebrate Wangari Maathai –Africa Environment day, it is important to pose and think what is your little action today 3rd of March 2025. Caring for the environment is important, planting a tree or a shrub, watering one, weeding one, pruning, cleaning could be that action that make a difference in your local area. Our little action cumulatively will make a big difference regionally and globally. We do not
need to wait for others to plan, we can be the agent of change. It is possible that we can often feel discouraged by the little progress we are making, but we should remember that if do not do anything, environmental degradation will continue and affect all of us. Environmental degradation has implication on peace and co-existence among communities and the more the reason why we need to do something as way of moving Prof Wangari Maathai legacy. Using the Africa three legged stool she viewed peace, democracy and environment as a critical nexus for peaceful co-existence and environmental sustainability and creating cultures of peace. The Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace and Environmental studies (WMI), University of Nairobi continues to work with stakeholders to cartelize continuation of the Wangari Maathai legacy work. This stakeholders collaborative approach is highly appreciated. The time to take your action is now, what will you do today towards support and continuation of Prof Wangari Maathai Legacy of environmental protection.
Hashtags #Nature, #trees, #wangarimaathaiday