The Institute has received with gratitude book donations from Dr. Kariuki Muigwa which he has authored. Dr. Muigwa teaches one of the Msc. program course units (Environmental Law and Peace Policies). The books include; 1. Resolving Conflicts through Mediation in Kenya (2017), 2. Alternative Dispute Resolution and Access to Justice in Kenya (2015), 3. Settling Disputes through Arbitration in Kenya (2017), 4. Natural Resources and Environmental Justice in Kenya (co-authored with D. Wamukoya and F. Kariuki, 2015). These books are valuable resources for the WMI Library. The Institute Library has also received a copy of the Ph.D thesis of Dr. M.A. Yohannis of the ICT Center entitled ICTs as a Bridge between Climate Information and Livelihood Strategies Among Rural Women in Kitui County, Kenya.