1. Teaching Venues and Sites
Wangari Maathai Institute Physical Location
The teaching venues are situated within the WMI campus, which is in the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences of the University of Nairobi and is located along the Kapenguria road.
The following is a highlight of the teaching sites; Five (5) lecture rooms, eight (8) conference rooms, twelve (12) seminar rooms and a modern library.
2. Library Catalogue
3. Digital Repository
4. Infrastructure, Facilities and Equipment
The Institute is served by Kenya Power. There is also a diesel generator in case of power interruption. The Institute has an exhibition area and an outdoor amphitheatre with a capacity of 500 people.
A standby van is available for transport.
Other facilities include a video conferencing facility and Peace Labs.
Apart from the above areas, the Institute has developed various experiential learning platforms including the following;
The water tower

The “water tower” was designed to capture Prof. Wangari Maathai’s integrative thinking by using the traditional African three-legged stool as a metaphor for what she viewed as the three essential components of a stable society: peace, democracy and environmental stewardship which are important for sustainable development.
The metaphoric message represented by the water tower offers learners an ideal conceptualization of the essential components of a stable society.
Sewage treatment and Recycling Plants (ENPURA UG 450PE)

The system is a “decentralized sewage treatment and recycling plant (STP) for managing grey and black water